Secrets of Japan: Rebun and Rishiri Islands

Amal Ghali, July 12, 2016
Located in the far north of Japan, off the northwest coast of Hokkaido Island

Located in the far north of Japan, off the northwest coast of Hokkaido Island, lie two slightly smaller islands famed all over the world for their natural beauty, abundant wildflowers, and adventurous hiking trails. Rebun and Rishiri Islands belong to a national park along with Sarobetsu Island and part of Hokkaido (Rishiri-Rebun-Sarabetsu National Park).

Rishiri Island

Dominated by Mount Rishiri, a dormant volcano at 1,721 metres high, most travellers are attracted to Rishiri Island to climb the volcano and enjoy this 12-hour hike. At the summit, there is a small shrine and an astonishing panoramic view of the neighbouring islands. Hiking is a great way to enjoy the wonderful scenery, as well as exploring the island by bicycle. A very beautiful 20-km cycle track is available following the northern coast of Rishiri from Hime Pond to Kutsugata.

You will notice a number of charming fishing towns right on the coast of Rishiri to explore, known for exquisite local sea urchins (uni) and konbu seaweed. Rishiri’s largest town, located near the port of Oshidomari, is called Cape Peshi and is truly mesmerising. You can enjoy magnificent views of Oshidomari and Mount Rishiri at the top of the headland through the existing walking trail.

Rebun Island

Rebun Island, on the other hand, is known for its interesting varieties of flora, particularly its alpine flowers. Some of the species found here are not found anywhere else in the world. The flowers bloom between June and August, so that’s a perfect time to visit. From the famous Edelweiss flowers to the Rebun Usuyukiso (a protected rare plant), any nature photography enthusiast will not be disappointed. There’s an impressive collection of flowers at Momoiwa (Peach Rock), a roundish hill on the island.

There’s a network of hiking trails with breath-taking views of Rishiri Island, including the Hachi-jikan hiking trail running down the entire west coast of Rebun from Sukoton Misaki in the north to Motochi in the south. This trail will take you through picturesque woods and across flower-filled meadows. When you reach Motochi you will find a scenic coastline to rejuvenate and get a glimpse of the dramatic rock formations said to have the shape of a cat’s head. Among the island’s highlights as well is Cape Gorota, a gorgeous cape in the northern part of the island. If you’re looking to have an exotic stay, try the ryokans (traditional Japanese inns) located in one of the small villages, for a different experience.